Friday, October 3, 2014

Spring websocket

Time needed to complete  ~40 minutes


This post will demonstrate how to use websockets with spring. The client will receive 
data from server using stomp protocol via websockets.  

2.What is used in this tutorial:

1- Maven 3
2- Jdk 1.7
3- Tomcat 7.0.55
4- Eclipse Luna 4.4
5- Spring 4.0.6
6- jQuery and plugins
7- Stomp protocol
8- Web browser supporting websockets

3.Project Structure

4. Controllers

- Two controllers are used, PageController Listing 4.1, is for displaying web page.  LiveRandomData Listing 4.2 is for generating random prices every defined period of time.   

-   Method retriveData() is anotated with @Scheduled it will run every 800 ms as it has fixeDdelay = 800 , it will send messages to defined destination /topic/simData , each message is a list of company objects that contains five companies with the stock price and change, the prices and change data is generated in method generateRandomdata(). 

5. View

-  Page stock.jsp contains a table Listing 5.1 where the data will be displayed.

6. Configuration

-In  /webapp/WEB-INF/spring/appServlet/servlet-context.xml Listing 6.1, in the websocket:message-broker definition the application destination prefix /app is used when sending messages to the server, /stock is the endpoint and it is used by the client to connect to url path using sockjs option.

7. Connection & data display

- Javascript is used to connect to server and get the data Listing 7.1, the connect() function will use SockJs to connect to endpoint /sws/stock where /sws is the path specified in pom.xml. after that stompClient is initialized and used to connect and subscribe to /topic/simData, when ever message is received dispay() function will handle it and display data . For using sockjs files sockjs-0.3.4.js and stomp.js are included in stock.jsp 

8. Deploying to tomcat

Note: don't forget to change username and password for tomcat server in pom.xml file

- Start tomcat.
- Deploy application from run configuration in goal type clean install tomcat7:redeploy
   click Apply and Run buttons.
- In browser type http://localhost:8080/sws/live/show to see the form picture 7.1. Clicking Connect button to start receiving data, Disconnect button to stop.

- Video 8.1, shows the display of data.

9. Eclipse Project


  1. Hi..

    Nice example. i need the example to run my locale but it is not available in google drive. can you please re-upload.

    1. You can download the project now. Regards.

    2. Or USE link
